Atelier RZLBD

Atelier RZLBD由创始人Reza Aliabadi(RZLBD)在2000年代初从德黑兰迁至多伦多后成立,已发展成为一家以突破性住宅干预和理论探索而闻名的建筑事务所。该工作室在艺术、建筑和城市主义的交汇处运营,在回应场地要求的同时,打造挑战传统类型学的空间。
在包括James Chungwon Park在内的核心设计团队的共同努力下,Atelier RZLBD凭借其极简主义美学和对城市限制的创新应对而获得国际认可。事务所的作品组合包括住宅、商业和文化项目,每个项目都体现了他们的理念——即建筑要积极贡献并挑战其所处环境。他们的作品已被广泛认可,并获得多项荣誉,使该工作室成为当代加拿大建筑界的重要声音。 Atelier RZLBD, established in Toronto following founder Reza Aliabadi's relocation from Tehran in the early 2000s, has evolved into a distinguished architectural practice known for its paradigm-shifting residential interventions and theoretical explorations. The studio, led by Aliabadi (RZLBD), operates at the intersection of art, architecture, and urbanism, crafting spaces that challenge conventional typologies while responding sensitively to contextual demands.
The practice's philosophical foundation was shaped by Aliabadi's formative experiences, including his architectural education at the University of Tehran and subsequent scholarly work at McGill University. Through a series of transformative expeditions—from the Canadian Arctic to a global architectural pilgrimage—the studio developed its characteristic approach to spatial composition, emphasizing the dialogue between void and matter.
Working with a core team of design professionals, including James Chungwon Park, Atelier RZLBD has garnered international recognition for its minimalist aesthetic and innovative response to urban constraints. The firm's portfolio spans residential, commercial, and cultural projects, each embodying their principle of "positive virus"—architecture that actively contributes to and challenges its context. Their work has been widely published and has received numerous awards, establishing the atelier as a significant voice in contemporary Canadian architecture.