Ateliers O-S architectes

Ateliers O-S architectes始于2007年,三位合伙人Vincent Baur、Guillaume Colboc 和 Gaël Le Nouëne曾在鹿特丹的OMA和West8事务所历练。该事务所追求一种新手工艺方式风格,精心掌控从构思到实施的整个设计建造过程。他们的作品遍布法国,包括公共设施、社会住房和文化场馆等。作品的特色在于精准把握尺度,促进社会互动,体现空间的谦逊有礼。设计师们擅于发掘场地的潜在使用功能,从中汲取灵感。这种探索式方法孕育了富有意想不到空间体验的建筑,同时呈现出一种超凡脱俗的独特风格。该事务所曾荣获爱菲尔奖(2021年)、建筑与可持续建筑奖以及国际竞赛荣誉。他们的作品还入选了2016年威尼斯建筑双年展法国馆的展品目录。在资深团队的带领下,Ateliers O-S architectes一如既往地秉承与环境互动、发掘可能性的设计理念,在建筑舞台上书写属于自己的篇章。
Founded in 2007 after formative experiences at OMA and West8 in Rotterdam, Ateliers O-S architectes is a Paris-based practice helmed by partners Vincent Baur, Guillaume Colboc, and Gaël Le Nouëne. The firm embraces a neo-artisanal approach, consciously mastering the entire design and construction process from conception through execution.
Ateliers O-S's portfolio spans public facilities, social housing, and cultural venues across France. Their works are characterized by a judicious sense of scale, fostering social interaction and spatial courtesy. The architects probe and unveil the latent potentials of site-specific uses and activities. This exploratory approach yields architectures replete with unexpected spatial treasures while projecting an alchemical distinctiveness.
The firm's accolades include an Eiffel Award (2021), Architecture & Sustainable Construction Awards from CAUE regional bodies, and international competition distinctions. Their built works have been featured in publications like Pavillon Français's catalog for the 2016 Venice Biennale.
With a dedicated team including associates Carole Petit, Eléonore Lecoq and others, Ateliers O-S architectes continues advancing its design philosophy premised on evolution, contextrespnsiveness and the revelation of untapped programmatic possibilities.