CF Møller

C.F. Møller 建筑事务所成立于1924年,由丹麦建筑师C.F. Møller在哥本哈根创立,已发展成为斯堪的纳维亚最具影响力的建筑事务所之一,以其在北欧现代主义和可持续设计领域的开创性贡献而闻名。在近一个世纪的发展历程中,该事务所始终通过整体性的设计方法论,展现了在建筑、景观和城市规划整合方面的卓越成就。
在现任首席执行官Lone Bendorff的带领下,以及包括建筑师Klaus Toustrup、Michael Kruse和Julian Weyer在内的杰出合伙人团队的共同努力下,事务所继续通过创新的、因地制宜的设计方案塑造当代建筑。其项目组合涵盖医疗保健、教育、文化和市政等领域的标志性项目,包括备受赞誉的哥本哈根马士基大厦和芬兰坦佩雷精神科诊所。
C.F. Møller建筑事务所总部位于丹麦奥胡斯,在哥本哈根、奥斯陆、斯德哥尔摩、马尔默和柏林设有战略办事处,拥有约300名专业人员。该事务所以其整合式的可持续发展方法著称,在所有项目中实施先进的建筑信息模型(BIM)方法论和环境策略。这种对技术创新的承诺,加上对北欧建筑传统的深刻理解,使该事务所赢得了众多国际荣誉,并使其在当代建筑话语中处于领先地位。
他们的设计理念强调功能性、美学和社会责任的综合,创造出能够妥善回应人类需求和环境挑战的持久建筑。 C.F. Møller Architects, established in 1924 by Danish architect C.F. Møller in Copenhagen, has evolved into one of Scandinavia's most influential architectural practices, known for its pioneering contributions to Nordic modernism and sustainable design. With a legacy spanning nearly a century, the firm has consistently demonstrated excellence in integrating architecture, landscape, and urban planning through a holistic design methodology.
Under the current leadership of CEO Lone Bendorff and a distinguished partner group including architects Klaus Toustrup, Michael Kruse, and Julian Weyer, the practice continues to shape contemporary architecture through innovative, context-sensitive design solutions. The firm's portfolio encompasses landmark projects across healthcare, education, cultural, and civic sectors, including the acclaimed Maersk Tower in Copenhagen and the Tampere Psychiatric Clinic in Finland.
Operating from its headquarters in Aarhus, Denmark, with strategic offices in Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Malmö, and Berlin, C.F. Møller Architects employs approximately 300 professionals. The practice is distinguished by its integrated approach to sustainability, implementing advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodologies and environmental strategies in all projects. This commitment to technical innovation, combined with a deep understanding of Nordic architectural traditions, has earned the firm numerous international accolades and positioned it at the forefront of contemporary architectural discourse.
Their design philosophy emphasizes the synthesis of functionality, aesthetics, and social responsibility, creating enduring architecture that responds thoughtfully to both human needs and environmental challenges.