MORE Architecture

在阿姆斯特丹和上海两地联动的 MORE Architecture 建筑事务所,是一家于 2013 年由荷兰建筑师 Daan Roggeveen 和华裔美籍建筑师 Robert Chen 创立的研究导 向型设计实践工作室。该工作室跨建筑、室内设计和城市规划战略等多个领域,采用 多元化融合的设计手法。
其在两地办公室均拥有精干的高水平建筑师和设计师团队, 专注于打造经过深思熟虑且可持续发展的环境。该事务所的作品包罗文化、酒店、办 公和展览等多种空间类型,追求创造动态、包容且注重社区的设计。核心团队成员包 括创始合伙人 Roggeveen 和 Chen,以及阿姆斯特丹合伙人 Ties Kweekel 和 Chloe Oosterwoud,上海团队则由合伙人 Pey Lung 和 Mae Sszto 领衔。
MORE Architecture 广泛开展城市研究,结合总体规划和因地制宜的细致设计,开发以人为本的解决方案, 巧妙融合欧陆和中华元素。该事务所的作品秉承混合功能、提升可及性和营造公共领 域的理念,旨在建构新的集体认同感。 Based in Amsterdam and Shanghai, MORE Architecture is a researchdriven design practice founded in 2013 by Dutch architect Daan Roggeveen and Chinese-American architect Robert Chen. The studio takes an interdisciplinary approach that spans architecture, interior design, and urban planning and strategy.
With a lean team of highly skilled architects and designers across both offices, MORE Architecture focuses on creating considered and sustainable environments. The firm's portfolio showcases a range of cultural, hospitality, workplace, and exhibition projects that strive for dynamic, inclusive, and community-oriented designs.
Key team members lending their expertise include founding partners Roggeveen and Chen, along with Amsterdam partners Ties Kweekel and Chloe Oosterwoud. The Shanghai office is led by partners Pey Lung and Mae Sszto, with Xiangcheng Xing also serving as a skilled project architect. Combining extensive urban research with masterplanning and sensitive contextual design, MORE Architecture develops human-centered solutions that blend European and Chinese influences.
The practice's work is guided by principles of mixing uses, promoting accessibility, and establishing public realms that foster a new sense of collective identity.