One Plus Partnership

One Plus Partnership成立于2004年,在空间设计领域确立了开创性地位,尤其以其对影院环境的革新性设计方法而闻名。在联合创始人Virginia Lung和Ajax Law的引领下,这家总部位于香港的设计事务所已斩获660项国际荣誉,在全球设计领域奠定了重要地位。
Virginia Lung的成就包括享有盛誉的安德鲁·马丁国际室内设计师年度大奖和多项标志性设计大奖最佳奖。Ajax Law于2014年获选为香港十大杰出青年之一,为事务所带来技术精准性和创新的空间解决方案。
事务所的方法论强调通过迭代设计过程进行主题探索,创造出超越传统室内建筑的空间。他们的作品以构造表现、空间编排和叙事元素的成功整合而著称,体现了他们在体验式设计领域不断突破边界的决心。 Founded in 2004, One Plus Partnership has established itself as a pioneering force in spatial design, particularly renowned for their revolutionary approach to cinematic environments. Under the visionary leadership of co-founders Virginia Lung and Ajax Law, the Hong Kong-based practice has garnered an impressive portfolio of 660 international accolades, cementing their position in the global design arena.
The studio's design philosophy centers on phenomenological spatial experiences, characterized by bold volumetric interventions and materiality-driven narratives. Their portfolio spans diverse typologies, including retail environments, hospitality spaces, and commercial interiors, with a particular expertise in cinema architecture that has redefined the contemporary movie-going experience.
Virginia Lung's achievements include the prestigious Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of the Year Award and multiple Best of Best Awards in the Iconic Design Awards. Ajax Law, recognized as one of JCI Hong Kong's Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 2014, brings technical precision and innovative spatial solutions to the practice.
The firm's methodology emphasizes thematic exploration through iterative design processes, resulting in spaces that transcend conventional interior architecture. Their work is distinguished by its tectonic expressions, spatial choreography, and the successful integration of narrative elements into built form, exemplifying their commitment to pushing the boundaries of experiential design.