
PARTISANS建筑设计事务所,由Alex Josephson和Pooya Baktash于2012年在多伦多创立,迅速崛起为加拿大最具创新精神和突破性的建筑工作室之一。目前由Josephson领导的这家事务所,凭借其前卫大胆的设计理念,将尖端科技与艺术视野完美融合,赢得了国际声誉。
PARTISANS以其将复杂挑战转化为开创性建筑方案的能力而闻名,在加拿大的建筑环境中留下了不可磨灭的印记。他们的作品涵盖了令人印象深刻的多个尺度和类型,从精雕细琢的Bar Raval室内设计,到雄心勃勃的Innisfil Orbit城市总体规划。
PARTISANS的作品以对材料、形态和文化语境的深入探索而著称。他们的项目,如Grotto Sauna和安大略广场的改造,展现了创造既具功能创新又富美学吸引力空间的卓越能力。
PARTISANS, founded in 2012 by Alex Josephson and Pooya Baktash, has rapidly emerged as one of Toronto's most innovative and boundary-pushing architecture studios. Currently led by Josephson, the firm has garnered international acclaim for its avant-garde approach to design, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with artistic vision.
Renowned for their ability to transform complex challenges into groundbreaking architectural solutions, PARTISANS has left an indelible mark on Canada's built environment. Their portfolio spans an impressive range of scales and typologies, from the intimate, sculpted interiors of Bar Raval to the ambitious urban planning of the Innisfil Orbit masterplan.
The studio's design philosophy is rooted in a commitment to push the boundaries of architectural discourse, often employing parametric modeling and digital fabrication techniques to realize their visionary concepts. This approach is exemplified in projects like the undulating limestone facade of the Rolex Boutique in Toronto, which seamlessly merges computational design with traditional craftsmanship.
A deep engagement with materiality, form, and cultural context characterizes PARTISANS' work. Their projects, such as the Grotto Sauna and the revitalization of Ontario Place, demonstrate a keen ability to create spaces that are both functionally innovative and aesthetically captivating.
Recognized with numerous awards, including the 2020 RAIC Emerging Architectural Practice Award, PARTISANS continues redefining architecture's role in shaping our urban fabric and cultural landscapes.