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SUMMARY公司成立于2015年,总部位于波尔图大学科技园,已成为预制建筑解决方案领域的先驱力量。在创始人Samuel Gonçalves的领导下,该公司开发出独特的模块化建筑方法,成功地将实用的建筑解决方案与建筑创新结合起来。




SUMMARY在推进预制建筑方面的努力为他们赢得了诸多荣誉,包括Monocle设计奖的最佳建筑奖(2022年),ArchDaily的最佳新实践奖(2021年),以及Dezeen年度新锐建筑师公众投票奖(2020年)。该公司还积极参与学术交流,Samuel Gonçalves在代尔夫特理工大学建筑系担任客座研究员。



SUMMARY, established in 2015 at the Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto, has emerged as a pioneering force in prefabricated architectural solutions. Under the leadership of founder Samuel Gonçalves, the practice has developed a distinctive approach to modular construction that bridges the gap between pragmatic building solutions and architectural innovation.


The firm, currently comprising ten professionals including architects and project managers, has gained international recognition for their systematic approach to prefabrication. Their expertise was notably demonstrated in the recent completion of four modular kindergartens in Lisbon, which showcased their signature "U"-shaped reinforced concrete modular system.


SUMMARY's commitment to advancing prefabricated architecture has earned them prestigious accolades, including the Monocle Design Awards' Best in Construction (2022), ArchDaily's Best New Practices (2021), and Dezeen's Emerging Architect of the Year Public Vote Winner (2020). The practice has also engaged in significant academic discourse, with Samuel Gonçalves serving as a Visiting Guest Researcher at TU Delft's Department of Architecture.


Through their research-driven approach and focus on accelerating construction processes while maintaining design quality, SUMMARY has established itself as a leading voice in contemporary prefabricated architecture, particularly in the institutional and educational sectors.

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