Superhelix Pracownia Projektowa

Superhelix Pracownia Projektowa成立于2015年,是一支别具自身风格的设计团队。事务所总部位于波兰克拉科夫,由Bartłomiej Drabik领导,凭借着对环境敏感的设计和建筑与环境的紧密联系而广受赞誉。事务所的核心理念是创造可持续且适应性强的建筑,尤其注重将室内外空间无缝融合的住宅项目。
Superhelix Pracownia Projektowa继续在波兰及其他地区推动住宅建筑的边界,提供在形式、功能和环境可持续性之间取得平衡的创新解决方案。 Superhelix Pracownia Projektowa, founded in 2015, is a rising star in the world of contemporary architecture. Based in Krakow, Poland, and led by Bartłomiej Drabik, the firm has gained recognition for its context-sensitive designs that focus on enhancing the connection between buildings and their environments. The practice's core philosophy revolves around creating architecture that is both sustainable and adaptable, with a particular emphasis on residential projects that blend indoor and outdoor spaces seamlessly.
Under Drabik's leadership, the firm has established a reputation for combining traditional construction methods with modern techniques. Projects like Triple House exemplify their ability to craft functional yet aesthetically pleasing spaces that respond to the specific needs of the client and the constraints of the site. Superhelix is known for its use of durable, low-maintenance materials, ensuring that their designs stand the test of time while requiring minimal upkeep.
Superhelix Pracownia Projektowa continues to push the boundaries of residential architecture in Poland and beyond, delivering innovative solutions that balance form, function, and environmental sustainability.