ZIVY Architects

ZIVY ARCHITECTS由Loh Zixu和Evy Sutjahjo于2019年在新加坡创立,秉承着通过严谨探索和对细节的关注,才能创造出卓越的设计理念。这家公司的设计过程中,会广泛召开设计研讨会,把原本平凡无奇的设计需求转化为充满个性和实用性的非凡空间。事务所的两位创始人都是新加坡建筑师公会注册建筑师和新加坡建筑师学会企业会员。他们追求空间体验的丰富层次,注重实用性和私密性的完美结合。Zixu理性务实的设计风格与Evy对生活化空间和诗意般质朴的热爱互相辉映。无论是多代人共居的住宅,还是商业和公共建筑,亦或是产品设计,他们都坚持以人为本的宗旨了,努力打造能彰显人性化和提升生活质量的空间。通过与业内专家的紧密合作,以及在学术界的导师角色,ZIVY ARCHITECTS还积极参与并推动了新加坡建筑行业的发展。他们以人为中心、贴近生活的设计理念,正成为重塑新加坡建筑环境的新兴力量。
Founded in 2019 by Loh Zixu and Evy Sutjahjo, ZIVY Architects is a Singapore-based practice guided by the belief that great design emerges through rigorous exploration and a keen attention to detail. The firm's collaborative approach places inclusive design sessions at the heart of every project, transforming briefs from ordinary to extraordinary.
Led by Zixu and Evy, both Registered Architects with the Board of Architects Singapore and Corporate Members of the Singapore Institute of Architects, ZIVY's work prioritizes creating richly layered spatial experiences imbued with purpose and personality. Zixu's rational design process harmonizes with Evy's sensitivity for livability and poetry.
Completing the core team are Architectural Associates Jean Lin and Pang Yun Jie, whose fresh perspectives further the practice's dedication to innovation. ZIVY's portfolio spans multi-generational homes, commercial/institutional spaces, and even product design - all unified by a commitment to crafting environments that empower inhabitants and elevate the human condition. Through close collaboration with industry consultants and academic mentorship roles, ZIVY actively enriches the architectural discourse. Their purposeful, peoplecentric approach positions them as an ascending force redefining Singapore's built environment.